Why BlueHopper

Why not celebrate all year long

Bringing light to a sometimes dark place is a passion of BlueHopper Lighting and it is evident from all out permanent outdoor lighting products. We want everyone to have the feeling they get when they see the mesmerizing look of Christmas lights.... but we want them to feel it all year long.


 While standing on a ladder putting up Christmas lights, the founder of Inception Lighting thought, “There has got to be a better way”, and there the industry of Permanent Christmas/Celebration lights was born. The idea of being able to put up lights and never take them down, and being able to celebrate all year long in every season, holiday or just because, was never possible until this happened. Everyone loves Christmas lights, however changing paradigms that have been around for years was not easy. “We put lights up, we take them down and we love it,”-said, no one ever!

Though with range of products such as Roofline Lights, Bistro Lights, Landscape Lights, Wall Washers, Flood Lights, and various controllers controlled with a single app. We look forward to bringing additional features such as safety, security, and integrations that go beyond beautification lighting in the near future.

Why ONLY US For permanent outdoor lighting

At BlueHopper, we believe in an evolution and expansion, Our effort is to provide a simple yet powerful one-stop-shop solutions to our users. We continuously keep ourselves and our customers updated with the cutting edge technology, features, and functions. What makes us stand out further is our premium experience that is simple, reliable, and affordable.

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